Feeding Our Walnut Valley Families During School Closure

March 17, 2020

By Kelli Gile, Office of Community Resources


WALNUT, CA--Walnut Valley USD Nutrition Services Division is ready to feed children each day during the COVID-19 school closures.


On Monday, over six hundred “grab and go” meals were distributed at Diamond Bar and Walnut High Schools.


“We’re passing out a breakfast and lunch item with milk, chips, juice, and fruit,” explained

Josette Macias, a Nutrition Services Worker, as her team met cars in front of the gymnasium at Diamond Bar High.


The free meals are available to all children under 18 years old, who must be present during pick-up, for the drive-through service that runs 7:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Monday through Friday.


“Yesterday we served over 300 and are expecting a lot more today,” shared Walnut High staff member Ana Aguilera on March 17 as a steady stream of cars entered the staff parking lot.


“We’ve got to take care of our kids – kids come first!” said Eva Generalao who was in kitchen helping prepare meals at 6:30 a.m.


At the end of the morning shift, over 1,800 meals, triple the number from the previous day, had been served at both high schools.


“It’s a good feeling because the District can share this food with our students,” Aguilera said.


“And the people are so appreciative!”


“It’s nice to help at a time like this,” shared Rachelle Serrano as she provided the curbside service to families.


Parents signaled the number of children in each vehicle and then staff quickly handed off the packaged meals.


Serrano also delivered something special to each car - a friendly smile, a wave, and a “have a good day!”


For more information, please visit www.walnutnutrition.org




Diamond Bar and Walnut High School Nutrition Services staff distribute “grab and go” meals on March 17.