An Inspiring Tradition

June 3, 2021

By Kelli Gile, WVUSD Office of Community Resources

WALNUT, CA--For the past three years, Ron Hockwalt Academies Leadership students have been building connections with the HARTT Center’s SELPA Adult Transition Program (ATP) class.

The HARTT Center serves 18-22-year-old students with disabilities who are receiving a high school certificate of completion along with important life skills as they transition into adulthood.

“Our ATP students look forward to these Tuesday meetings and really love all the students in Leadership!” said adult transition teacher Linda Woods.

“Both sets of students have grown to care for each other deeply.”

The groups were able to continue to their weekly sessions throughout school closures on Zoom.

“During a time when so many were confused and lives were stretched, the students from RHA and HARTT found joy in encouraging and supporting each other,” said Leadership teacher Marla Rickard

“They laughed together, learned together and each impacted another just by being present and real.”

Even though most of the ATP students are older, the Leadership teens have “risen to the occasion” offering mentoring and forming long-lasting relationships, Woods praised.

“We have so many funny stories to share and these bonds will never be broken - even as students move on!” she said.

On May 27, the ATP students presented a donation of lily pads to the RHA Leadership group for the school’s new Wellness Garden koi pond.

I am in awe of the incredible community that continues to develop within our site,Rickard added.

“Social Emotional Learning (SEL) enriched all our lives during a time when we needed it most and it is because these students shared hope and love to each other.” 


HARTT Center adult transition students gift lily pads to RHA Leadership for the school’s new koi pond on May 27.