Two DBHS Seniors Earn Rank of Eagle

Congratulations to Diamond Bar High School seniors Jackie Chen and Eric Zhang for earning the rank of Eagle in Scouts, BSA in early December. Both are members of Troop 730 in Diamond Bar. The rank of Eagle Scout is the highest rank that can be achieved after several years of learning skills, performing service and showing leadership.

For his Project Wellness, Chen partnered with City of Hope to fundraise money through bakery sales to create Wellness Bags (comfort kits) for cancer patients. Each item was curated carefully through advice from cancer survivors and the medical staff at City of Hope. Also for the Project, Chen encouraged current cancer patients to keep believing in themselves as they continue their fight against cancer, just like his grandfather, who passed away from cancer when Chen entered high school.

Chen’s donation of 120 Wellness Bags to City of Hope also represented his way of saying thank you to City of Hope for their unwavering confidence while his grandfather was undergoing treatment. 

Zhang’s Eagle project consisted of redesigning and building wooden storage shelves for the City on a Hill Church in Chino.