NEWS Walnut Valley Unified School District
May 11, 2012 Walnut, CA 91789
Kelli Gile, Office of Community Resources
(909) 595-1261 ext. 31204
Kindergarteners Save Pennies to Help Poor
WALNUT, CA—This spring, Walnut Elementary kindergarteners decided they wanted to make a difference and help a poor family across the globe.
First, they wrote letters to their families asking to do chores to earn extra money.
For the past two months, the 25 students in Mrs. Marisa Koepp’s class brought in their coins and dollars for the service project.
Ryan Lai, age 6, said it felt good helping the family and he wanted to give them bees so they could taste the honey!
Kindergartener Jackie Chu said he was proud of the money earned for the project. He washed the car all by himself and helped his mom wash with the dishes.
When the class sorted and counted all the money they earned it totaled $84.65!
The youngsters decided to purchase and send a beehive kit through the Heifer International organization.
The gift will enable the children to have sweet honey on their porridge and their families can also trade the honey for other items, Koepp explained.
“I am so proud our students!” their teacher said.
The students sent homemade cards with the donation and drew pictures about their project for their classroom bulletin board.
What will they think of next? The youngsters also want to send flocks of chicks and ducks!
Abigail Alvarado decided to donate her birthday and Easter money.
“I wanted to help,” the six year-old said. “It will give them some chicks!”
Walnut Elementary kindergarten students Manuel Gonzalez, Hannah Hwang, Abigail Alvarado, Jessica Tordillo and Raymond Katchur with teacher Mrs. Marisa Koepp are ready to send their donation and handmade cards.
Zak Afutiti showed his picture with animals and honey that will help the family.
Mrs. Koepp displayed the students’ pictures about the service project on a bulletin board.