Connecting the Dots

September 18, 2018                                 

Kelli Gile, WVUSD Office of Community Resources


DIAMOND BAR, CA—Quail Summit Elementary took a spot-on approach to promoting creativity, art, and collaboration during Dot Day held September 14.


“It’s a day where we celebrate making a mark in this word, believing in yourself, and others,” said elementary learning specialist Leann Legind.


The annual event was inspired by the book The Dot by Peter H. Reynoldsabout a caring teacher who dares a doubting student to trust in her own abilities by being brave enough to “make her mark.”


What begins with a small dot on a piece of paper inspires people around the world to discover the power and potential of creativity in all they do.


“Dot Day is about not fearing creativity, but rather embracing it,” said Principal Frances Weissenberger.


In the past few years, Dot Day has become an international celebration with over 13 million students in 178 countries participating each September.


“Students were so excited to create art on this special day!” Legind said.


The children and staff members arrived at school decked out in polka dot clothing, hats, socks and headbands, with dotted t-shirts and jeans, and even a few spotted faces.


Teachers read The Dotto their students and classrooms created canvas dot art to be featured in a unique gallery.


The Quail Summit youngsters joined an outdoor collaborative art project throughout the day by painting designs on pink, purple, blue, green, green, yellow, orange, and red circles.


Each grade level also had the opportunity to learn about famous artists such as Wassily Kandinsky who created the Squares with Concentric Rings watercolor in 1913.


Third graders in Criss Sykes class painted their own Kandinsky-inspired masterpieces.


“Dot Day inspired me because anyone can draw anything if their heart wants to,” Macie Marquez shared.

“Even simple things can be art and art doesn’t have to be perfect. It teaches us to persevere and never quit,” added classmate Ian Xia.


“We connected the dots at Quail Summit to inspire creative teaching and learning!” Legind said.



Dot Day! Quail Summit Elementary third graders, shown with teacher Criss Sykes, create artwork inspired by Kandinsky’s Squares with Concentric Rings watercolor.


Quail Summit Elementary third graders proudly display artwork they created on Dot Day. 


Quail Summit Elementary students join a school-wide collaborative art project on September 14. 


All dressed up on Dot Day! Quail Summit Elementary students arrive ready to celebrate creativity on September 14.


A spray of colorful and creative dots is now on display at Quail Summit Elementary.