Student Fees
The subject of student fees, charges, deposits, donations and fundraising related to courses and activities has been at the forefront of public attention locally and nationally.
This site has been created as a resource to guardians, parents and District staff for support and to meet legal requirements. Pages are updated from time to time to provide guidance and clarity surrounding the subject of student fees, charges, deposits, donations and fundraising.
Parents, guardians, students, faculty, and staff should direct questions about school-specific matters needing clarification/explanation directly to the school's principal.
Principals should contact their respective supervisor for guidance and support with responses to school-specific questions about student fees, charges, deposits, donations and fundraising.
The District office will ensure questions and responses are disseminated to schools through staff and Principal meetings, district workshops and this website.
Please click on the menu items to the right for more information.
(a) A complaint of non compliance with the requirements of this article may be filed with the principal of a school under the Uniform Complaint Procedures set forth in Chapter 5.1 (commencing with Section 4600) of Division 1 of the California Code of Regulations. (Ed Code 49013)